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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study, we attempted to investigate the role of dichotomous thinking (DT) as the mechanism of mood shuttle, a core symptom of Bipolar Disorder (BD). We examined whether bipolar persons use DT when they evaluate affective stimuli. Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS) and Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) were administered to 209 cyber university students. From them, a bipolar tendency group (BG, 19 subjects) and a control group (CG, 20 subjects) were screened based upon the scores of two bipolar symptom scales, MDQ and BSDS. Then two groups answered the Dichotomous Thinking-Index Revised (DTI-30R) and responded to the Affective Stimulus Rating Task (ASRT) developed to measure dichotomous judgment style in emotional situations. In the ASRT, subjects read scenarios of various valence (positive/negative/mixed) and rated the dimension of pleasure vs sadness. The BG revealed higher DT than the CG. Also, the BG set shorter distances between a certain affect and the opposite affect (e.g. pleasure vs. sadness) than the CG. When judging emotional situation, the BG marked fewer anchors on the self-anchoring scale than the CG. Overall, the extreme ends on the “sadness-pleasure” dimension were closer to each other, and the dimension had fewer gradations in the BG. The closeness of distance and fewer divisions between contrary affects may act as the mechanism of mood shuttle in BD. Finally, the clinical implications of this study were discussed, and the limitations of the present research with directions for future studies were presented.
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