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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was conducted to investigate the inter-rater reliability and the validity of Children's Global Assessment Scale(C-GAS), which assesses the level of functioning of children and adolescents. To accomplish this, six raters who are currently training or have completed training to be clinical psychologists individually rated ten vignettes using C-GAS. The vignettes consisted of the chief complaints and brief summary of biopsychosocial information of each subjects. Eight of the subjects were mentally retarded, but two were not. The intraclass correlation was then tested to investigate the inter-rater reliability within raters, and found to be 0.784 indicating moderate inter-rater reliability. The paired sample correlation test was then tested to investigate the concurrent validity, and the r was found to be 0.847. Finally, the clinical implications and limitations were suggested, and further issues and directions dicussed.
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