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This study was conducted to investigate the diagnostic validity and clinical utility of rapid auditory processing and verify whether it can validly distinguish between Specific Language Impairment (SLI) group and control group in clinical settings. To accomplish this, a total of 50 children (25 children with SLI matched in age with 25 preschool-aged children with normal language development) were given a rapid auditory processing task (Auditory Temporal Order Judgment task 155ms, 75ms, Auditory Frequency Modulation-detection test 2hz). A language assessment (Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale) and nonverbal intelligence assessment (Korean-Coloured Progressive Matrices) were also conducted. To observe the clinical utility of rapid auditory processing, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analyses were conducted using variables that predict language development. The ROC results indicated significant diagnostic validity that can distinguish between normal development and SLI children. The ROC results also confirmed that the clinical utility of rapid auditory processing was in the accurate range. These results suggest that rapid auditory processing is an important assessment tool that can capture developmental language disorders in clinical settings. Limitations and implications for future research were also discussed.
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