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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale for measurement of cyber pornography addiction of male adolescents and to test reliability and validity of the developed scale. For this, in Study 1 158 preliminary items wereformulated from previous studies and scraps of paper articles and then 38 items were selected through testing of content validity of experts. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, 16 preliminary items with high factor loadings were selected and divided into four factors (disturbance in daily living, increase of impulsiveness and accessibility, withdrawal, tolerance). In Study 2, confirmatory factor analysis was performed among 274 male students in order to test the reliability and validity of the scale formulated in Study 1. As a consequence, four items related to factor of increase of impulsiveness and accessibility lacked consistency due to being mixed with factors with low loading, and were excluded from this study. Thus, the final scale comprised three factors (disturbance in daily living, withdrawal, tolerance) with a total of 12 items. Criterion-related validity test used the following measures: Young's Cybersexual Addiction Index (CAI); Rape myth acceptance level, which was modified and adapted by Lee Suk-jae (1999) from Burt's Rape Myth Acceptance scale (1980), and a new common notion of rape wasadded; internet addiction proneness scale-short form (KS Scale) developed by the Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion; Correlation incorporating internet self-efficacy of Park Yun-joung (2009). A significant positive relationship was observed between Young's cybersexual addiction Index (r=.75), rape myth acceptance level (r=.49) and internet addiction proneness scale-short form (r=.42), while there was low correlation with internet self-efficacy (r=.13). This may indicate that the scale had appropriate convergent and discriminant validity. Reliability of the scale for cyber pornography addiction by sub-item was .81∼.83, while that for the whole scale was .90, showing high internal consistency. In addition Guttman split-half coefficient was .85, with re-retest reliability of .88, evidencing high reliability in general as well. In the last part of this study, its limits along with future research directions are discussed.
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