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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of the current study is to identify the latent subgroups of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity problems and to investigate the predictors of temperament (novelty seeking, persistence, reward dependence) and parenting behavior (warm, aggressive/hostile, neglect/indifference parenting) having an influence on those subgroups. Parents of 515 children in two elementary schools in Gyunggi province participated in the study: Children’s attentional problems were measured three times with five month intervals and children’s temperament and parenting behaviors were measured once, only at the first time-point. Cohort sequential design, general growth mixture model, and multinomial logistic regression methods were used for analyses. The results were as follows. First, three subgroups of both inattention and hyperactivity were identified: low (53.6%), moderate (34.0%), and high (12.4%) subgroup for inattention problems and low (56.1%), moderate (31.1%), and high (12.8%) subgroup for hyperactivity-impulsivity problems, respectively. Second, high scores for novelty-seeking and reward dependency and low persistence in temperament as well as high scores for hostile parenting can predict the possibilities belonging to the high-risk inattention subgroup against the subgroup with low inattention problems. Third, high scores for novelty-seeking and low persistence in temperament and high scores for hostile parenting as well as gender (being male) can predict the possibilities belonging to the high-risk hyperactivity-impulsivity subgroup against the subgroup with low hyperactivity-impulsivity problems. Suggestions for future research were discussed, along with the limitation of the current study.
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