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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relations among life stress, meaning in life, and wellbeing of university students. Meaning in life was measured by the search for meaning and presence of meaning. Wellbeing was measured by the Subjective and Psychological well-being. Questionnaires including the Life stress, the Meaning in life, and the Subjective and Psychological well-being were implemented in 247 university students. In correlation analysis, the life stress showed significant negative correlation with the Subjective and Psychological well-being. Search for meaning and presence of meaning showed significant positive correlations with the Subjective and the Psychological well-being. In regression analysis, There were not interaction effects of search for meaning and presence of meaning between life stress and well-being. The results showed that only presence of meaning, but not search for meaning, moderate the relationship between life stress and Psychological well-being. In regression analysis, There were not interaction effects of search for meaning between presence of meaning and well-being. The results suggested that search for meaning enhance Psychological well-being. Meaning in life was classified into four groups according to levels of search for meaning and presence of meaning. ‘High presence-high Search’ group showed the highest score for Subjective well-being and the Psychological well-being. The lowest Subjective Wellbeing group was ‘low presence-high search’, and the lowest Psychological Wellbeing group was ‘low presence-low search’. Implications of these findings and limitation were also discussed.
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