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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a program which helps elementary school students minimize negative emotion and improve their emotional regulation competence ability and self-esteem. This program was a synthesis treatment which include a role playing game and group therapies. A total of 60 elementary school students recruited by a mental health center or elementary school in Seoul participated in the study. they were divided into an experimental group and a control group containing 30 students each. The study duration included 10 program events lasting 60 minutes each, which were held once per week. The study program included activities and observations that tested depression, state-anxiety, trait anxiety, anger, emotional regulation competence ability, and self-esteem. Results after 30 days showed that test, depression, state-anxiety, trait anxiety, and anger score had all decreased and emotional regulation competence ability, self-esteem score improved. In conclusion, the RPG-emotion regulation competence program integrated group therapy produced desirable effects for the purpose of dispelling negative emotion and improving emotional regulation competence ability and self-esteem.
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