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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop and investigate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Adult Self Report (ASR). Selection of a sample for the ASR (507 men and 496 women) was based on data from the 2005 Korean Population and Housing Census. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of the original ASR can be plausibly applied to the Korean version. The Korean ASR demonstrated good internal consistency (.53~.96). The subscales of the ASR showed high correlations with its higher-order-factors, such as internalizing and externalizing. High correlation was also observed between ASR and SCL-90-R related scales. The mean differences and Cohen's effect sizes of the subscales between latent clinical and normative sample supported the scale's discriminant validity. Item and test validity were also supported by Item Response Theory. Implications of using the ASR as a clinical and research instrument are discussed.
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