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The Effects of mindfulness based course on the personal development of the university students


In this study we tried to evaluate the effects of a mindfulness-based course on personal development of the university students by cohort design. The 3 credits course was opened based on mindfulness training to improve emotion-regulation and interpersonal relationships for 15 weeks. The effects of the mindfulness course have shown that the students(n=66) of the mindfulness based course were higher on the level of mindfulness, self-esteem than those of the compared and at least equal to an ability to emotion-regulation. Although the mindfulness course increased social connectedness, but it made no positive effect on self-compassion. This results showed that mindfulness could be integrated into a course for the personal development in the university. It was discussed about a way of providing courses based on the various kinds of mindfulness training for different purpose of personal growth. We have proposed an additional evaluation of teacher's personal characteristics and abilities leading course, and weekly evaluation based on syllabus for subsequent studies.

마음챙김에 기초한 인성강좌, 마음챙김 교육, 강사의 특성, 주별강의평가, mindfulness based course for personal development, mindful education, teacher's characteristics, weekly evaluation



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