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The current study examined the reliability and validity of the Korean Defeat Scale(K-DS) developed by Gilbert and Allan(1998), and examined defeat and entrapment may be best conceptualized as a single factor or not. University students who agreed to take part in this study completed the defeat/entrapment scale along with other psychometric measures. In study 1, result of exploratory factor analysis showed that single factor structure accounted for 57.89% of the variance on the K-DS including 12 items. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a satisfactory construct validity by showing good factor loadings and fit indices also showed the goodness-of-fit for a single factor model. The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent validity and incremental validity were also acceptable. In study 2, based on the result of parallel analysis, defeat and entrapment may be best conceptualized as multi factors. Limitations and implications of the current study were discussed.
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