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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to construct a malingering discrimination indicator on K-WAIS-IV by experimental simulation design. This study included 4 groups; control group, clinical group (mild TBI), sophisticated malingering simulation group, and naive malingering simulation group. Data from 154 participants were analyzed using stepwise discrimination analysis setting K-WAIS-IV 10 core subtests as IV, 4 groups as DV. Then the cutoff score of discriminant function was calculated in controlling specificity as 95% using ROC analysis. Sensitivity, positive predictive power, negative predictive power, and classification accuracy were also calculated at the cutoff score. The results are follows; Digit span, Coding, Vocabulary, and Visual puzzle showed significant variances for 4 -group discrimination. Digit span subtest had the largest discrimination effect. The results suggest that the lower performances on Digit span, Coding, and Visual puzzle comparing on Vocabulary the higher malingering possibility. The purpose of this study is to construct, Korea based data, malingering discrimination indicators of K-WAIS-IV frequently used in Korea.
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