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Behavioral Activation System Sensitivity and Functional Impairment in Undergraduates with Hypomanic Personality: Moderating Role of Impulsivity


Bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by diverse functional impairments as well as recurrent mood fluctuations. Based on the behavioral activation system (BAS) model of BD, we explored the possibility that heightened BAS sensitivity, vulnerability for BD within the model, can also be related to functional indices associated with BD. Among a large undergraduate sample (N=531), we screened a BD high-risk group (n=64) via the Hypomanic Personality Scale and examined the relationship between BAS sensitivity, problematic drinking, and academic maladaptation with impulsivity as a moderator. The results showed that high BAS sensitivity, when combined with high impulsivity, could impair academic achievement in the high-risk group. On the contrary, the main effect of impulsivity was only significant in predicting problematic drinking. The present study suggests that BAS sensitivity is related to not only symptomatic but also functional aspects of BD. Future research should continue to investigate if BAS sensitivity may account for both negative and positive features of adaptation associated with BD.

행동활성화체계, 경조성 성격, 문제음주, 기능적 장해, 충동성, behavioral activation system, hypomanic personality, problematic drinking, functional impairment, impulsivity



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