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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study analyzed the previous empirical studies regarding the interventions that promote resilience after disasters based on a systematic review. A literature search, in both Korean and English languages, was conducted using internet-based electronic databases. The Cochrane acronym, PICOT, was used to ensure that all key components were determined prior to the review. PICOT was determined by the following: Participants, adults with prior disaster experience; intervention, any types of intervention, treatment, or therapy; comparison, intervention sectors, intervention steps, and intervention fields; outcomes, resilience; and type of studies, empirical research. Fourteen studies were selected, from a total of 2170 records. Analyses of general characteristics and methodological rigor of each study were conducted. Nine principles promoting resilience (collaboration, empowerment, professional values, social justice, local based, preparedness, development, service integration, and sustainable service) were discovered by using the narrative synthesis from the selected literature. The adaptation of the results to Korean post-disaster situations, as well as the limitations of this study and further research suggestions was discussed.
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