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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop the Korean Personality Rating Scale for Children-Sign Language version (KPRCSL), and to examine reliability and validity of the assessment tool. In order to examine reliability and validity on the KPRCSL, deaf who have 3–17 years child (n=115) performed KPRC-SL and test-retest was carried out for 23 deaf persons. Bilinguals in Korean and Korean sign language (n=18) filled out KPRC-SL and original KPRC to verify similarity between both assessment tools. In order to examine inter-rater agreement, children-report form of KPRC had been carried out on child of deaf participants (n=40) and compared with their parent’s report. The results showed that KPRC-SL had acceptable levels of internal consistency (α=.50-.85) and test-retest reliability (r=.47-.89). According to the correlation between subscale of KPRC-SL, the correlation were higher with the subscale measuring the similar construct rather than others. KPRC-SL and original KPRC had significant correlation between corresponding scales (r=.41-.97). Inter-rater agreement were similar with previous studies (M=.23). These results support that KPRC-SL is reliable and valid assessment and it can be useful for detecting mental health problems of CODA.
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