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This study investigated the differences in the interpersonal space between high social anxiety and low social anxiety groups, and explored how music affects the interpersonal space in individuals with social anxiety. Based on the scores of Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale and Social Interaction anxiety scale, high social anxiety (n=25) and low social anxiety (n=25) groups were selected. Interpersonal space was measured using a Comfortant Interpersonal Distance (CID) task, and interpersonal distance was measured in three conditions, i.e., music with positive emotional value, music with negative emotional value, and no music. Individuals with high social anxiety showed significantly farther interpersonal space than those with low anxiety did. In addition, music with negative emotional value made interpersonal distance broadened in both groups, whereas music with positive emotional value made the interpersonal distance narrowed only in the group with high anxiety. These results indicate that music can be used for the improvement of social anxiety and interpersonal relationships in college students with high social anxiety level.
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