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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to review recent domestic and overseas studies pertaining to psychological therapies for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and to offer guidelines for evidence-based treatment for GAD. Despite its high rates of comorbidity with other mental disorders and its rising worldwide prevalence, GAD has been given relatively little research attention compared to other anxiety disorders. According to overseas studies, the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Applied Relaxation (AR), Psychodynamic Therapy (PDT), Meta-cognitive Therapy (MCT), Mindfulness-based Therapy (MBT), and Worry Exposure (WE) have been repeatedly verified, with strong and modest efficacy being ascribed to CBT and AR, respectively. It is difficult to definitively verify the efficacies of MBTs since most MBT studies have been open trials and preliminary studies. There has been little domestic research on the efficacy of psychotherapy for GAD, which makes it impossible to even set appropriate levels for evidence-based treatments. Instead, domestic studies are primarily focused on GAD-related factors such as IU in the general population. Thus, systematic RCTs in patients with GAD need to be conducted and accumulated before the criteria for national evidence-based treatments can be defined. In addition, Internet-based treatments and related applications, which promote an understanding of GAD and the accessibility of GAD treatments, are introduced. Finally, guidelines for evidence-based treatments of GAD based on recent research will be offered, and potentially beneficial points for future research on GAD and its treatments, as well as further implications of this study will be discussed.
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