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The Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global rating method (SCORS-G) is a coding system that assesses the cognitive and emotional aspects of interpersonal functioning in narrative materials. This study aimed to validate the Korean version of the SCORS-G using card from the Thematic Apperception Test (1, 2, 3BM, 4, 13MF, 12M, 14). The Personality Assessment Inventory, NEO-Five Factor Inventory, Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions Scale, Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale, and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) were administered to 215 undergraduate students. The reliability and validity of the SCORS-G were tested by rating TAT protocols according to the scoring criteria. The level of interrater reliability for 8 dimensions of the SCORS-G was mostly acceptable. Based on existing literature, we established a two-factor model consisting of the cognitive and emotional factors and verified a model fit using confirmatory factor analysis. As a result, the model fit was good, which suggests that the factor structure of the SCORS-G is valid. Furthermore, the cognitive and emotional factors of the SCORS-G had a significant correlation with various psychopathologies, personality traits (Big-5), interpersonal problems, cognitive distortion, and emotional dysregulation. We provide an interpretation guideline for the clinical utility of SCORS-G based on the present and previous studies, and discuss the clinical implications and limitations of this study.
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