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The core feature of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is based on a desire for mental and interpersonal control, which leads to rigidity, stubbornness, and difficulties in maintaining an intimate relationship (APA, 2013). This study aimed to investigate prototypical interpersonal problems and behavioral and perceptual intraindividual variability in OCPD, based on the Interpersonal Circumplex (IPC; Leary, 1957). Participants (N= 226) responded to PDQ-4+, KIIP-SC, behavioral response options, and an interpersonal grid with interpersonal scenarios. As OCPDs relate to others based on status and power, this study measured behavioral and perceptual intraindividual variability in relationships with friends and authority figures, respectively. In addition, the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) scores were controlled for, as previous studies have suggested that OCPD individuals reported similar interpersonal problems on the IPC with NPD individuals. The results showed that behavioral range and agency variability in individuals with OCPD tendencies decreased in relationships with authority figures compared to those with friends. Furthermore, their behavioral variability in agency decreased more when NPD scores were controlled for in relationships with authority figures, which suggests that OCPD is characterized by a rigid behavioral pattern when it comes to agency.
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