As the development of advertising industry and media the research about an advertisement get accomplished. As the result information resources called on the advertising materials are on an increasing trend. However, it looks into the classification system in advertising field of KDC, the problems are as the follows: ① the classification items are too incomplete, ② the main class is badly arranged. The reason have no regard for the correlation with a science. So, it gives rise to confusion to the librarian and user. The purpose of the study is to present the improvement plan on the classification system in advertising field of KDC. In order to build the improvement plan, the four steps are utilized. The first step is to investigate the characteristic of sciences on advertising and a type. The second one is to survey the current status of the library classification as KDC, NDC, DDC, and LCC. The third one is to analyse the classification system of library and web site on the advertising. The forth one is to grasp the problems on the classification system in advertising field of KDC.
In order to make interactive computing systems, including information systems, usable it is important to bring users into the design process. This article surveys and introduces several major system design approaches that are widely accepted as approaches from a users' perspective. A user model developed by the author is introduced following these existing approaches. This user model is developed from actual users' understanding of their goals and strategies to solve their information needs by using Dervin's Sense-Making Theory with Sense-Making Timeline Interviews. This user model reveals a different timeline from the default menu presentation orders that originally comes with the software. Steps for developing a user model from the Sense-Making Timeline Interviews are suggested for further application and guidelines in developing user models for system design and evaluation.
This study is aimed to evaluate the undergraduate students’ information literacy, examine the current level of their capability of using information, and make a evaluation model to develop information literacy. Information literacy consists of six fields: information resources, information needs, information search, information analysis, information technology and presentation, and information ethics. Based on the result of statistic factor analysis, the integrated evaluation model of information literacy, evaluation factor, and evaluation procedure can be suggested based on the instruction guidance.
This study investigates the influences of the service quality of public libraries, including printed publications, internet and electronic materials, culture programs and service, library environment and facilities, and library staff, on the general satisfaction of the users, complaining intentions, and loyalty including reuse intentions. It develops a library user satisfaction model and testifies it through path analysis using questionnaires from 443 public library users in Daegu Metropolitan City area. This study shows that service qualities of printed publications, culture programs and service, library environment and facilities, and library staff influence significantly on the general satisfaction of the users, and that service quality of library environment and facilities is the major variable which influences satisfaction and loyalty of the public library.
The aims of this study is to analyse the user's behavior, satisfaction, difficulties and selection of retrieval keywords for the use of Web-based OPAC in the College students. The methods of the questionnaire and the interview was applied to get the data and processed by using SPSSWIN 10.1. Several research results was proved the hypothesis such as differences between major subject of students in their fields. Furthermore, based on the result of this analysis, another purpose is to come up with the improvements of functions prompting difficulties and answers to problems found in the Web OPAC, helping them to use the Web OPAC efficiently.
To build the consistency among different metadata systems and to increase the interoperability of that systems even among different domains, naming rules and glossaries for the data elements are necessary. This study provides discussion of naming and identification of the data element concept, data element, conceptual domain, value domain, and its meta model. This study also describes example naming conventions based on ontology derived from the combination with object, properties, and representation of data elements. The naming principles and rules described in this study use E-R analysis, DC metadata set, and SHOE 1.0 as an example of the scientific documents. This study would be a guideline to build the naming rules of metadata based on ontology in various domains.
University libraries have been facing challenges to accomplish both roles of traditional libraries as physical places and virtual libraries which service electronic resources effectively. University libraries need to establish a strategic plan as a positive tool for designing the future of university libraries addressing threats and opportunities at the same time. This study suggested the core elements be involved in strategic plans of university libraries through comparatively analyzing the actual documents of strategic plans of academic libraries in America, England, Canada and Australia. These strategic plans were divided into formal elements and content elements. In addition, this study presented the latest strategic plans of academic libraries such as UMI, OULS, UBCL, and USL. As a result of research, this study provided the directions and basic materials in order to establish strategic planning at university libraries in Korea.
The advent of new technologies and descriptive tools, including the Web, XML, and EAD, have highlighted the necessity of content standard which can integrate and manage to library materials and archives and accommodate various finding aids for information exchange. This research analyzes both APPM2 and DACS. The former is an old established description rule. On the other hand, the latter keeps step with ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) as adopting the international trend of archives and is able to describe the data structure of a variety of finding aids including MARC, EAD, etc. As a result, it presents the points to take into consideration as making descriptive rules about our archives.
The purpose of this study is to reveal how undergraduate students' computer literacy and library knowledge can affect their frequency of library material use and information literacy, and analyze the correlations between frequency of library material use and information literacy. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to students of 7 universities in 8 credit-given user education courses, and correlations with variables were analyzed through hypothesis testing. It was suggested that with strong support of university administration, user education should be taught by using more of scholarly library material.
The purpose of this study is to clarify whether readability formulas based on linguistic factors are suitable for secondary and older primary age texts. A comparison among fomulas for primary age texts, some for both primary and secondary age, and some for secondary age revealed that exclusive ones for narrow age range were more effective. A model estimating readability scores from the average number of sentences in paragraphs or a model with two factors, the average number of sentences and paragraphs in texts was found to be good one for secondary age. While a model based on total number of unique syllables or a model from total number of unique syllables and new syllable occurrence ratio was good for primary age.
This research aims to explore faculty research support systems in university libraries, assess their service performance for faculty research, and suggest the need and roadmap for new service development. We perform in-depth analyses of not only the current university library evaluation criteria as part of the overall university evaluation criteria, but also ten university libraries in the United States and two university libraries in Korea. Thorough benchmarking studies reveal the problems of the current university library evaluation criteria in its advances and limitations of current faculty support service systems. Especially this research suggests to develop a one-stop service execution wheel for the roadmap for the faculty research support system which is based on customer relationship management(CRM) for one-to-one, mass- personalized services to the faculty.
This study describes the concept of link resolvers using OpenURL. Then, the study analyzed the commercially available link resolvers in terms of remote & local hosting, title list, customization of the services and usage statistics. The results will help the libraries select the appropriate link resolvers that are relevant to the features of the libraries.
The purpose of this study is to discuss the direction of studies of information seeking behavior(ISB) by analyzing previous studies provided model of ISB. Studies were divided into 3 types in terms of factors, processes, or types/patterns of ISB and sub-analyzed by 9 aspects such as research method/ theoretical framework, context of ISB and vice versa. Korean research strategies for overcoming the limitation of ISB studies are to do holistic research approach capturing complexity and multidimention of ISB as well as to extend research objects. Also, it needs to construct substantive theories based upon korean phenomenon of ISB.