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ISSN : 1229-8778
From the satisfaction model, research on service marketing has proposed positive effects of the perceived quality on customer loyalty and retentions. Based on the shift from transactional marketing to customer-centered marketing paradigm, recent studies have examined the role of relationship quality constructs to grasp strategies of customer relationship management. This study aims to examine the usage of mobile telecommunication services in Korea using discriminant analytic approach through various constructs of service quality, relationship quality, and technology acceptance. We assume that actual usage of mobile telecommunication services can be strongly predicted by qualities of service and customer relationship as well as by perceptual factors of the technological usage. Using data collected from Korean users of mobile telecommunication services, research questions receive support in that our constructs can increase the classification of customers either by service reliability or relationship quality with customers contingent on different user groups of telecommunication firms. Results also suggest that subjective norm is an effective predictor in classifying right customers of Korean telecommunication companies. Implications to the service and customer management are discussed along with practical suggestions to managers that are responsible for customer services.
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