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ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the brand attitudes and purchase intention of manufacturer by a priori brand attitudes for retailer and product involvement in vertical cooperative advertising. Previous researches about vertical cooperative advertising had focused on the effects that would take from more than one brand exposure. and previous research about variables related with consumer had been not properly made out. But this research focused on the consumer related variables among which can affect on advertising effects. We tried to find out the effect of various variables such as consumers' a priori brand attitudes for retailer and the product involvement. We designed 2(The priori brand attitude for retailer positive/ negative) x 2(high involvement / low involvement) sample groups and measured the brand attitude for manufacturer, purchase intention by brand attitudes for retailer in each sample group. furthermore we checked the differences between them by the degree of involvements. Based on answers from total 228 persons, we identified that the previous brand attitude for retailer influences the brand attitude for manufacturer. And we could see the gap between the brand attitude for manufacturer and purchase intention by involvement. This shows significant differences in brand attitudes and purchase intentions in case more involved products than low involved products. And we discussed strategic directions for the manufacturer who want to do vertical cooperative advertising based on these results.
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