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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study aims at the logical explanation of the decision factors of trust in internet shopping mall and an empirical research into the expected effect of it. In the empirical research, previous purchaser and future purchaser-to-be are given questionnaire on trustworthiness of internet shopping mall, degree of trust, and future purchase intention. The research result of the study is as follows. First, the trust of parents firm has been found to be the foremost core factor in the establishment of the trust of internet shopping mall as the result of the research into the effect of trust transmission of parents firm. This shows that any internet shopping mall which has parents firm is using the consumer trust of parents firm for the establishment of consumer trust. Second, in the research into the decision-making factors which influence on the trust, Navigation functionality and refund policy in the previous purchaser model and third-party assurance and navigation functionality in future purchaser-to-be are shown to influence on the trust of internet shopping mall. Unlike the goods sold in the traditional stores, internet shopping mall goods is not tangible, so any previous purchaser who has received some goods without satisfaction before thinks much of the possibility of refund. Finally, in the research into the direct influence of parents firm on future purchase intention, the result is that the trust of parents firm doesn't directly influence on repurchase intention of the previous purchaser. Overall, this study has tried to examine the trust factors and the trust effect of internet shopping mall. Furthermore, this study, through conceptualizing the trust of parents firm which has not been covered in the previous literatures, has tried to show trust effect of parents firm according to purchase experience of consumers.
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