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A Study of the Impact of Social Value Congruence on Social Enterprises’ Attitudes and Purchase Intentions: Mediating Effect of Social Value Congruence


One of the common things found in recent studies about social enterprises is their focus on social value in social enterprises. However, in recent studies of social enterprises from a marketing perspective, there have been some mixed reports about the impact of social values on attitudes and behaviors related to purchases. This study holds the view that this difference is caused by the dependence of sub-social values on social enterprises, and their mediating effect on social value congruence. Therefore, the purposes of this study are, first, to identify the relationship between consumers’ perceived social value perceptions about social enterprises and consumers’ obtained social values; second, is to understand whether this social value congruence affect positive attitudes toward social enterprises and purchase intentions; lastly to provide managerial implications to social enterprises. Based on previous studies, the authors divided the social values of social enterprises into four types: (1) environment-friendly; (2) local community-oriented; (3) employees' welfare; and (4) social responsibility. Through the literature review, the authors developed a research model and hypotheses, which test a dynamic relationship showing each sub-value of the social enterprises’ values affect the positive attitudes toward social enterprises and the purchase intention mediating by the value congruence. According to the analysis results of this study, social perceptions for three of the sub-constructs- ‘environment-friendly’, ‘employees’ ‘welfare’, and ‘social responsibility’-positively affected the value congruence, whereas ‘local community oriented’ did not. The value congruence affected positive attitudes toward social enterprises, and, subsequently, purchase intentions. The value congruence also indirectly affected purchase intentions through its effect on positive attitudes. That is, the mediating effect of social value congruence on purchase intention has been confirmed. Finally, the research results are discussed in comparison with previous studies. Based on these results, some managerial implications and directions for future studies are suggested in this study.

Social Enterprise, Social Value, Social Value Congruence, Purchase Intention



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