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ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was designed to provide insights regarding the effects of incongruent brand extension(IE), mental simulation(MS), and comparative advertising frame(CF) on purchase intention(PI). Firstly, we examined purchase intension(PI) in two types of mental simulation(outcome-focused simulation(OF) and process-focused simulation(PF)) on the extent of brand extension incongruity and we found that outcome-focused mental simulation(OF) was more effective than process-focused mental simulation(PF) in the high incongruent brand extension, but we could not find a significant difference between mental simulation(MSs) for moderate incongruent extension. Secondly, we examined purchase intension(PI) in two types of comparative advertising frame(maximal frame(Max) and minimal frame(Mini)) on the extent of incongruent brand extension. There was no significant difference between comparative advertising frame (CFs) for high brand incongruent extension(IE) and moderate brand incongruent extension(IE) respectively. Thirdly, we examined purchase intension(PI) in two types of comparative advertising frame on the types of mental simulation. we found that maximal frame was more effective than minimal frame in outcome -focused mental simulation but we could not find a significant difference between comparative advertising frame(CFs) for process-focused mental simulation. Finally, according to whether brand incongruent extension(IE) was high or moderate, We found that the optimum advertising strategy between the types of mental simulation and comparative advertising frame was when it was operated by maximum comparative advertising appeal in outcome-forced mental simulation with high brand incongruent extension.
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