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The Influence of Scarcity Message Type and Message Framing on Impulse Buying Effect in Online Pice Discount Advertising: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Need for Cognitive Closure


This study investigates the influence of scarcity message type and message framing on consumers' impulse buying in online price discount advertising. Furthermore, this study identify moderating role of need for cognitive closure within which the impulse buying effect of scarcity message type and message framing operates. For the experiment, 2(scarcity message type: quantity-limited message vs. time-limited message) × 2 (message framing: positive vs. negative) × 2(need for cognitive closure: high vs. low) factorial design was used. The findings of this research are summarized as follows. First, the result shows that quantity-limited message is more effective than time-limited message to enhance consumers’ impulse buying in online price discount advertising. Second, there is a significant interaction effect between the type of price discount with scarcity message and message framing. Specifically, quantity-limited message is more effective than time-limited message in price discount advertising with positive framing, while there is no significant difference in impulse buying effect in price discount advertising with negative framing. Third, there is a significant interaction effect between message framing and need for cognitive closure. Specifically, consumers with high level of need for cognitive closure show higher impulse buying at the positive framing than at the negative framing, while consumers with low level of need for cognitive closure show no significant difference in impulse buying according to message framing. This research also found a significant 3-way interaction effect of the scarcity message type, message framing and, need for cognitive closure on consumers impulse buying in the context of online price discount advertising.

Impulse Buying, Price Discount, Scarcity Message, Message Framing, Need for Cognitive Closure



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