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Consumer Satisfaction in Cross-Channel Shopping based on the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory


This study sets a structural model for measuring consumer satisfaction in cross-channel shopping and also verifies the moderating effect of channel migration. The model examines the relationships of three parameters - expectation, performance, and disconfirmation - with both price reduction and risk aversion, the two critical choice motives in cross channel shopping. In the model, expectation and performance indirectly affect satisfaction through disconfirmation. The satisfaction level of cross-channel consumers is higher than that of non cross-channel (single-channel) consumers. Specifically, the satisfaction levels of the off-on (offline search → online buying) and on-off-on type (online search → offline search → online buying) are the highest amongst all the cross-channel consumer types. However, what is common to the two is that they both search using online channels and buy using offline channels. In the section of the model that outlines the process of how consumer satisfaction in cross-channel shopping is built, the disconfirmation of the choice motives of purchase channels, that is, price reduction and risk aversion, are seen to be critical influencers of satisfaction. Further, in the relationship between disconfirmation and satisfaction, the moderating effect of channel migration is accepted as a given. For example, the disconfirmation of risk aversion, in on-off type (online search → offline buying), and the disconfirmation of price reduction, in off-on (offline search → online buying) and on-off-on type (online search → offline search → online buying), critically affect satisfaction. However, the moderating effect of channel migration is not affected by the relationship between expectation, performance, and disconfirmation. This study has enhanced the usefulness of the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory by extending the theory to cover distribution channel issues, and it proposes customer strategies for improving satisfaction levels in cross-channel shopping for businesses that offer both online and offline channels.

consumer satisfaction in cross-channel shopping, Expectation Disconfirmation Theory, price reduction, risk aversion, moderating effect



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