ISSN : 1229-8778
With a recent emergence of a variety of advertising media, we are faced with an increasing necessity of comparing advertising effects of different media. The present study attempts to present a comparative study of VOD commercials on IPTV channels and realtime commercials on terrestrial and cable channels. To that purpose, a factorial structure of commercial types(2)×commercial positions(2)×viewing situations(2) was designed for an experiment. First, it was found, in the category of memory effect, that VOD commercials exhibited a significantly higher rate of ad recalling in both familiar and unfamiliar brands than realtime commercials. A similar result was found also in the recognition ratings. Second, in the effect of ad attention rate, it was found that VOD commercials were significantly higher than realtime ones both in familiar and unfamiliar brands. Third, no significant difference was found between the two types of commercials in the effect of attitudes of ad. The findings of the present research are meaningful in that they have provided objective data in the comparison of the two types of commercials and presented logical base data in the estimation of advertising costs of different media.
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