ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study was to investigate the following questions: First of all, What is the awareness of the function of advertising to consumers in Korea and China, respectively? Second, the ads feature recognition between them there is a difference? Third, there is a difference in the awareness of differences in advertising between these attitudes of advertising recognition and advertising attitude to recognize the relevance? The results of this study are as follows. First, the ad features the results of factor analysis yielded seven factors. ie, Promoting consumerism, formation of cultural consumption, the model dependence, social graces inhibition, mistrust advertising, fun and entertaining, and providing information. Second, Korean and Chinese consumers recognize the difference between verification advertising results showed no significant difference. Consumers in China than in Korea's consumer awareness about the ad features negative. Third, Korea's favorable score from the overall attitude toward advertising than consumers in China's consumers were. Fourth, economic and cultural functions of advertising awareness of Chinese consumers contributed to form a positive attitude toward advertising has been. Finally, the ads feature Korean consumers' attitude toward advertising in the most affecting factor was the formation of a culture of consumption. Notable result of the advertising model dependence and fun entertainment aspect is that it has a huge impact on attitude toward advertising. The results of this study is expected to give to the future, the company plans to enter the Chinese market, the basic data to formulate a strategy for the Chinese market and advertising field.
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