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The purpose of this study was to examine whether decision making competence had a moderated mediation effects in the relations of narcissism, materialism, and compulsive buying. Self-report measures of narcissism, compulsive buying, materialism, and decision making competence were completed by 362 university students in Chungbuk and Chungnam provinces. Date were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 and SPSS Macro. The results were as follows. First as a result of the test for mediating effects, narcissism affected compulsive buying through materialism. Second, as a result of the test for moderating effects, an interaction of materialism and dysfunctional decision making competence affected compulsive buying. Third, as a result of the test for moderated mediation effects, dysfunctional decision making competence had a moderated mediation effect which moderated the influence of narcissism on compulsive buying through materialism. We discussed implications and suggestions for further studies.
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