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The effectiveness of posts in corporate Facebook Fan-page by types of message strategies


The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of message posts in corporate Facebook Fan-page by various message strategies. Since the posting is the most popular tool for real-time communication and companies have employed various types of posts more and more these days, the empirical investigation focusing on the posting is important. The effectiveness has two folds; first, the effectiveness of the posts executed in reality. The study collected the data in various corporate Fan-pages in Facebook with three index of the effectiveness - ‘Like,’ ‘Share,’ and Replies, and compared the effects of different message strategies. Additionally, but more importantly, affective dimensions and sharing intentions of the effectiveness was examined with an experiment. The results showed that there were no significant differences among message strategies in ‘Like’ and ‘Share,’ however ‘promotion’ messages were more effective than others in the volume of replies. It was supported that ‘Daily life stories’ was the most effective types of message strategies in affective dimensions of the effectiveness - attitude toward the ad and attitude toward the brand. This type of message strategy which has been less executed in the domestic market should be utilized later on. Followings studies need to investigate the role of consumer factors in the relationship between messages strategies and the effectiveness of posts.

Facebook, Message Strategy, Advertising Effectiveness



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