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The Influence of Anthropomorphised Message on Donation Intention: The Construal Level Effect


Anthropomorphism refers to the tendency to imbue non-human objects such as products, animals with human-like characteristics. Despite of facing with the various examples of anthropomorphism in surroundings, emperical research on anthropomorphism is relatively rare. Thus, this research examines the effect of message anthropomorphism by adopting Constural Level Theory to extend the field of research on anthropomorphism. Experiment 1 examined the construal level effect on message anthropomorphism by measuring participants’ BIF. The result revealed that in the low-level constural, participants in the anthropomorphised message condition showed higher donation intention than participants in the non-anthropomorphised message condition, whereas no difference was found in the high-level constural. Experiment 2 manipulated the timing of donation to examine the construal level effect on message anthropomorphism. As a result, participants in the anthropomorphised message condition showed higher donation intention than participants in the non-anthropomorphised message condition. More importantly, in the low-level constural, participants in the anthropomorphised message condition showed higher donation intention than participants in the non-anthropomorphised message condition. By contrast, no difference was found in the high-level constural.. Thus, the effect of message anthropomorphism is more effective in the low-level construal than in the high-level construal.

anthropomorphism, anthropomorphised message, construal level, high-level construal, low-level construal



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