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Irrational Consumption Patterns in the Sequential Consumption: Focusing on Licensing Effect and Cleansing Effect


With growing interest in the influencing factors on indulgence products, this research examined whether a prior (im)moral behavior has an effect on indulgence behavior in a sequential choice context(the licensing effect vs. cleansing effect). Despite a long tradition of research on indulgence products, little is known about the mechanism of self-control in the licensing effect and cleansing effect. To fill this gap in the literature, the research further examines the theoretical precondition and the mechanism underlying the licensing effect. According to the results, as we predicted, participants rated purchase intention toward indulgence product more high in the license condition(moral behavior group) than in the control condition and in the immoral condition. Also, we proposed that the licensing effect was operated by providing a boost in the self-esteem. These results suggests that if the prior task does not generate the licence, the increased preference for a indulgence product should not be observed. So, consistent with the previous studied, our results data replicated the licensing effect. In addition, in contrast to the licensing effect, preference for a indulgence product was reduced when the previous behaviour was immoral. Finally, the higher the level of self control was, the stronger licensing effect and cleansing effect were.

Licensing Effect, Cleansing Effect, Self-control, Self-esteem, Dietary Restraint



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