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The impact of CSR related information on brand attitude: Based on the moderating effect of brand concept and attitude certainty


This study examines how the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) related information on brand attitude depends on brand concept and attitude certainty. We proposed two brand concepts that may influence the impact of CSR related information on brand attitude: (1) self-enhancement brand concept and (2) self-transcendence brand concept. We used positive and negative newspaper articles as stimuli in order to manipulate CSR related information. The dependent variable was calculated by subtracting brand attitude before exposure to stimuli from brand attitude after exposure to stimuli. The results of this study suggest that the impact of negative CSR related information depends on brand concept. Specifically, the attitude change of self-transcendence brand through negative CSR related information was greater than self-enhancement brand. Furthermore, the impact of CSR related information on brand attitude depends on brand concept and attitude certainty. In case of self-enhancement brand, positive CSR related information makes a more negative change in the brand attitude when attitude certainty is high than when it is low. In contrast, negative CSR related information about self-enhancement brand makes a more negative change in the brand attitude when attitude certainty is low than when it is high. However, in case of self-transcendence brand, the impact of positive and negative CSR related information on brand attitude does not depend on attitude certainty. Based on the results of this study, we suggested theoretical and practical implications about CSR activities and crises.

CSR, Brand concept, Attitude certainty, CSR



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