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Structural analysis between use motives, perceived usefulness and advertisement effect of mobile LBA(Location Based Advertising)


This study was conducted to identify the use motives of LBA users which is on the rise as a base of location based service in recent mobile environment due to the expansion of Smartphone and the cause and effect relationship of perceived usefulness on the advertisement attitude and purchase intention. Study results showed first, only economic compensation motive and general information acquisition motive in LBA use motives positively affected the usefulness and regional information acquisition motive didn’t show significant effects. Second, usefulness perceived by LBA positively affected only the advertisement attitude and didn’t significantly affect the purchase intention. Finally, attitude about LBA positively affected the purchase intention. This study has a academic meaning to provide the basic data for the researches about LBA by examining the use behaviors of LBA users based on their use motives and is expected to provide the meaningful practical implication for the planning, producing and strategy establishment by numerous LBA companies and advertisers who are preparing for LBA.

LBA(Location Based Advertising), use motive, perceived usefulness, advertisement attitude, purchase intention



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