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The Effects of Stylistic Information about an Art Image on Consumers' Aesthetic Responses in Package Design


The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of stylistic information about an art image in package design on consumers’ aesthetic reponses. Stylistic information about art image in a package design is defined as verbal information provided for consumers to better understand the art image embedded in a package. This study also examines the moderating effect of product type and consumers’ centrality of visual product aesthetics(CVPA). Lastly, the mediating effect of conceptual fluency in the relationship between stylistic art image information and consumers’ aesthetic response is explored. The sample consisted of 132 university students and the results demonstrate that stylistic art image information positively influence consumers’ aesthetic responses toward package design through conceptual fluency. Further, it is found that there is significant three way interaction among product type, CVPA, and stylistic information about art image on consumers’ aesthetic reponses. Specifically, there is no significant interaction effect between product type and CVPA when stylistic information about art image is provided. However, consumers with higher CVPA exhibit more positive aesthetic response for hedonic product when stylistic information is not provided. Meanwhile, for consumes with lower CVPA, an aesthetic response is more positive for an utilitarian product when stylistic information is not provided. These findings provide theoretical and managerial implications for art infused package design and its communication strategies.

aesthetic response, art image, package design, CVPA, conceptual fluency, product type



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