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The Effect of Price Presentation Color on Price Perception: Focusing on Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus


While there are various ways in presenting prices to consumers, change of price color is another way of price presentation. In marketing academia, researches on the effect of color in advertising context, or store color effect on intention to visit have been made. Also, the effect of background color on waiting time while downloading a website can be an example of recent research of color effect on consumer behavior. Despite this trend, there were very few researches investigating the effect of color on price presentation context. Therefore, this research investigates the effect of price color on consumer responses (price perception) which accommodates the moderating role of regulatory focus, and its psychological mechanism. Specifically, we performed two studies to test our hypothesis. In the first study with portable data storage device (USB), we presented red price and blue price to respondents. As a result, we found that promotion focused consumers perceived the price more positively for red price condition than for blue price condition. But prevention focus didn't reveal significant difference between red price and blue price condition. In the second study with wireless keyboard, we found a consistent result of the interaction effect of price color and regulatory focus. Also, we found a mediating role of perceived fit between the interaction of price color and regulatory focus on price perception. This research connects the effect of color with price presentation and has theoretical implication for being the first study to apply the moderating role of regulatory focus. Also, this research gives practical implications for providing specific practice of price presentation.

Color effect, price color, price perception, regulatory focus, perceived fit



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