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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Internet of Things(IoT) is the key technology of the hyperlinked society that enables the mutual communication among people, objects, and things based on the internet network and provides personalized services. This study is to investigate the psychological characteristics and needs of consumers who use devices with IoT in terms of consumer psychology. In particular, we examined the effect of innovativeness and self-regulatory focus on consumer satisfaction, WOM intention, and continuance intention of use. As a result, the higher level of the social innovativeness, the hedonic innovativeness, and the promotion focus people were, the more satisfied with the IoT devices and higher intention to WOM. Regarding continuance intention of use, there were significant effects of the functional innovativeness, the hedonic innovativeness, and the promotion focus. Prevention focus did not have a significant effect of satisfaction, WOM intention. and continuance intention of use. Based on the results of this study, it was found that it is important not only to improve technological aspects but also to develop entertainment elements that can help consumers to experience social affairs and to experience positive emotions in order for IoT devices to have meaningful impact on consumers' lives. In addition, we confirmed that it is necessary to provide not only information that the IoT can achieve the ideal by improving the quality of life, but also information that it can safely protect the consumers' lives and prevent the risk. Theoretical and practical implications were further discussed.
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