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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The current study examines salient factors that are presumed to influence consumers' intention to use the Internet for shopping. It attempted to relate the reactions to the factors of product perceptions, shopping experience, customer service, and perceived consumer risk that had been identified from the existing literature on retail patronage behavior. This study translated these factors into the Web context and explored the relative salience of these factors. The study also examined the relationship between these salient factors, product types, and consumer experience related to Internet shopping. Analyses of data collected from 401 online survey respondents reveal that product perceptions, shopping experience, customer service, and perceived consumer risk factors played significant roles in predicting Internet purchase satisfaction, attitude toward Internet shopping, and online purchase intentions. The findings also revealed that the relationships of salient factors with Internet shopping experience significantly differ by product types. The results and discussion section also included implications drawn from the findings and suggestions for future research.
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