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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Basic assumption of studies as to consumer's decision making process for purchasing is that they made a decision for purchase already. Based on this preposition those studies try out to understand how consumer choose specific alternative, or brand. However, in decision making pertaining to consumption, one of consumer's decisions in the early stage of process is whether purchasing from provider or self-performing the service performance they want. To understand this early purchasing-or-self performing decision, we proposed hypothetical self-performance model and tested that model using educational service for foreign language of unversity students. Results are that determinants of self-sufficient performance disposition are perceived risk on self-performance, desire for control on service performance, and self-regulation. In addition, several service characteristics(accessibility to information for service performance, perceived professionalism, perceived price), situational characteristics(previous experience, time pressure), and consumer characteristics(convenience orientation) influenced indirectly self-performance disposition through perceived risk on self-performance, desire for control, and self-regulation. Several implications were discussed based on these results.
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