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A Study on Brand Dilution Effect in the Co-marketing


The purpose of this study is to, firstly, examine how the negative information of the partner brand that has not been managed in detail in a membership card situation, affects the leading brand, secondly, evaluate which of the two different types of negative information, the information related to the basic attribute or the information related to the peripheral attribute, affects the membership card situation more greatly, and thirdly, examine the controllability of regulating effect of the negative information in connection with the effect of the partner brand from the negative information. Looking at the study results, the leading brand’s attitude has been changed more negatively by the partner brand’s negative information. More specifically, after studying the affect of the changes in the attitude of the leading brand by dividing the partner brand’s negative information into two different types, the leading brand was evaluated more negatively by the basic attribute than the peripheral attribute. Also, after studying the controllability of regulating effect of the leading brand’s negative information, in relation to the effect of the leading brand’s attitude by the type of the partner brand’s negative information, there were two different cases. One, the leading brand stop cooperating with the partner brand and two, the leading brand carrying on cooperating with the partner brand. In the case of one, where the leading brand decides to stop cooperating with the partner brand, the basic attribute affects more negatively and in the case of two, where the leading brand decides that they cannot stop cooperating with the partner brand, there is a small influence on the leading brand no matter the type of the negative information.

co-marketing, dilution effect, basic attribute, peripheral attribute, controllability



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