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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study investigated the effects of consistency and distinction attribution of corporate's cause-related behavior on attitude toward corporate. Particularly, We examined that corporate's attitude would be differ from attribution types that are considered as either consistency or distinction on corporate cause-related behavior by consumer. Also, We consider that the change of attitude toward corporate would be differently caused by favorable of unfavorable prior attitude on corporate. To test that hypothesis, an experiment conducted in a 2×2 factorial design. In experiment, subjects were asked to respond the items that measured prior attitude, and then they read the fictional scripts about corporate cause-related behavior divided by both consistency and distinctive. Finally, We measured subject's attitude toward corporate. The results of empirical testing are follows. It appeared that corporate's cause-related behavior performed to be distinctively others is more favorable by subjects. In each groups, a group that has favorable prior attitude to corporate had main effects' distinctive attribution and interaction effects but, the other group(unfavorable prior attitude to corporate) appeared to only distinctive attribution effect on corporate cause-related behavior.
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