ISSN : 1229-8778
Most past lifestyle research have been conducted using the outdated lifestyle items. The outdated items could not reflect the rapidly changing people's lifestyle. In addition, only few studies had focused on women's cosmetic purchase behavior. Therefore, this study classified types of lifestyle for the cosmetic consumers and analyzed how purchasing behaviors and pursuing values are different based on the types of lifestyle. 20-30's women are selected as research sample because they actively purchase cosmetics and they are sensitive so that they often respond rapidly to marketing activities. Total 307 questionnaire were returned. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were conducted to classify types of lifestyle. The results of the cluster analysis have shown that there are four lifestyle classification: traditional solid type, well-being pursuit type, openness type, ostentation type. In addition, As the result of ANOVA test, cosmetic purchasing behavior and pursuing values are significantly different based upon types of lifestyle.
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