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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study investigates the consumer self-regulation model and impulsive purchasing behavior. In the consumer self-regulation model, whether success of self-regulation depend on decision making. Good decision makers will be good self-regulators, good self-regulated consumers will experience successful consumption activity and desirable purchasing behavior. Also, I suggest impulsive purchasing behavior result from poor decision making. Therefore, poor decision makers will be poor self-regulators and will do impulsive purchasing behavior. As a result, 4 factors of self-regulation are decision making fallacy, decision making dependence, information awareness and use, and decision making confidence. In the former case, two factors are negative function of decision making. In the latter case, two factors are positive function of decision making. And good self-regulators are less impulsive purchasing consumers than poor self-regulators. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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