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The effect of a benefit hierarchy in advertising messages -Focusing on a consumer involvement-


The purpose of this study is finding out the effect of a benefit hierarchy in advertising messages and the moderate effect of consumer involvement on the advertising effect. I divided the advertising message into hierarchical message and non-hierarchical message according to the benefit hierarchy in order to investigating those purposes. I also separated subjects into two groups regarding to the average of involvement scores. I examined the attitude towards advertising and the brand throughout the two factor design. The result suggested that there is an effect of a benefit hierarchy on the brand attitude but not the advertising attitude. So we can say that there is a effect of benefit hierarchy in advertising messages. In addition I could figure out the moderate effect of the consumer involvement about influencing benefit hierarchy on the brand attitude. It is because of consumer inference. The consumer who highly involves in particular product has high motivation to process its advertising messages and can infer another benefit related to offering benefit in the advertising. So they have similar amount of attitude on the non-hierarchical message with the hierarchical message. In contrast to them, the consumer who lowly involved in specific product does not have enough motivation to infer another benefit related to offering benefit in the advertising. So they highly evaluated the brand that offered with hierarchical message because that makes them have high expectation to satisfy their needs throughout using that product. This result give several implications us that using the benefit hierarchy is one of effective message strategies and the effect of benefit hierarchy in a advertising message is different form individual aspects especially a consumer involvement. So I could propose the effect of benefit hierarchy in a advertising message and interaction effect of benefit hierarchy on a advertising effect.

advertising message, benefit hierarchy, involvement, advertising effect



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