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Vol.8 No.1

Experienced regret caused by action and inaction in decision making
Jisook Park(Kansas State University) ; Yoon Yang pp.1-33 https://doi.org/10.21074/kjlcap.2007.8.1.1

Regret is one of the feelings felt when a decision maker recognizes or imagines that current situation would have been better if one had acted differently. Three experiments in this paper wereconducted to speculate some of the factors influencing regret. Experiment 1 examined how regret changed under various conditions. Analysis shows participants felt less regret by inactionthan by action when there was no responsibility. They also felt more regret in higher task importance only when there was no responsibility. Experiment 2 examined whether regret caused by action or inaction showed any individual attribution disposition. There was no dispositional difference. However, as the result of experiment 1 and 2 was contradictory, we proceeded experiment 3 and concluded that inaction causes more regret than the action when the situation is normal to act while action causes more regret than inaction when the situation is normal to inact.

The effect of a benefit hierarchy in advertising messages -Focusing on a consumer involvement-
Young-Shin Sung ; Sook-Jin Kim(TNS Korea) ; Mi-na Kim pp.35-55 https://doi.org/10.21074/kjlcap.2007.8.1.35

The purpose of this study is finding out the effect of a benefit hierarchy in advertising messages and the moderate effect of consumer involvement on the advertising effect. I divided the advertising message into hierarchical message and non-hierarchical message according to the benefit hierarchy in order to investigating those purposes. I also separated subjects into two groups regarding to the average of involvement scores. I examined the attitude towards advertising and the brand throughout the two factor design. The result suggested that there is an effect of a benefit hierarchy on the brand attitude but not the advertising attitude. So we can say that there is a effect of benefit hierarchy in advertising messages. In addition I could figure out the moderate effect of the consumer involvement about influencing benefit hierarchy on the brand attitude. It is because of consumer inference. The consumer who highly involves in particular product has high motivation to process its advertising messages and can infer another benefit related to offering benefit in the advertising. So they have similar amount of attitude on the non-hierarchical message with the hierarchical message. In contrast to them, the consumer who lowly involved in specific product does not have enough motivation to infer another benefit related to offering benefit in the advertising. So they highly evaluated the brand that offered with hierarchical message because that makes them have high expectation to satisfy their needs throughout using that product. This result give several implications us that using the benefit hierarchy is one of effective message strategies and the effect of benefit hierarchy in a advertising message is different form individual aspects especially a consumer involvement. So I could propose the effect of benefit hierarchy in a advertising message and interaction effect of benefit hierarchy on a advertising effect.

Perceptual Dimensions of TV commercials and Their effects: Schlinger's VRP measure
Chul Keun Chung ; In Hyok Choi pp.57-79 https://doi.org/10.21074/kjlcap.2007.8.1.57

This study measured viewers' ad perception of 150 TV commercials in pre-testing context using Schlinger's VRP scale of 32 items. Exploratory factor analysis results for study 1 show that they confirm Schlinger's 7 dimensions with the variance of 57%, with 5 positive dimensions of entertainment, relevant news, empathy, familiarity, and brand reinforcement and 2 negative dimensions of confusion and alienation. Regression analysis results for study 2 reveal that 7 dimensions all have significant impacts on both ad likeability and purchase intention, while 4 of 7 dimensions have significant impacts on ad recall. Specifically, all of 5 positive dimensions have plus coefficients and both of 2 negative dimensions have minus coefficients. This means that Schlinger's VRP scale has face validity and it is reliably recommended that we could adopt Schlinger's VRP scale as a useful module for ad effect model in Korea.

Effects of implicit memory in advertising between visual attention and non-conscious processing
GHo Kim ; Mi-Ran Song ; Jae-Hwi Kim pp.81-102 https://doi.org/10.21074/kjlcap.2007.8.1.81

This study examined the effect of non-conscious advertising processing with attention related to current situation which faces with increasing advertising clutter and consumers' ignorance to ads. We measured the attention with the eye-tracker apparatus and adapted ART (attentional resource tracking) method, which was developed by Shapiro et al. (1997), which can divert consumers’ attention from ads, as well as manipulated presentation speed and position of ads. Four ads were produced for this study and each ad contains product feature, brand name, and category name. The dependent variables of this study are various memory types such as conceptual priming (stem completion test), perceptual priming (word fragment) and explicit memory (recognition). The results reveal that due to non-conscious stimulus processing, there is no difference in recognition on non-attentional ads; however conceptual priming, implicit memory, had different effect related to presentation speed. Related to presentation position, because of stimulus feature, there is difference in only perceptual priming. Through acquisition of validity in using ART method by tracking visual attention, the result implies that implicit memory was constructed although ad processes non- consciously.

A study on Model' race effects in advertising which follows in message arguments and cultural value of endoser
Seung Yeob Yu ; Jae-Young Kim pp.103-125 https://doi.org/10.21074/kjlcap.2007.8.1.103

This research is designed to prove the effects of model's race in the advertisement, based on fact that featured either a Yellow(Korean), White and Black model and contained either strong or weak message arguments. Based on extant research, we expect that Korean consumers' evaluative response will be more favorable when a same versus different race(i.e., White versus Black)model is featured in an advertisement. To prove this research, the experiments was tested on 6 groups used by3×2 factorial design. Subjects of the experiment were 240 people of university students from a Chenan city. The experiments tested the effect of model's race that is, the attitude of product and advertisement. As the result, product and advertising evaluations were more favorable given a Korean(Yellow) than a White and Black Model, but only for Korean participants who identify strongly with Korean culture. Or in case of the quality of asserting massage, strong assertions achieved more favorable results than weak assertions with all dependant variables. And ethnocentrism and value of Korean culture affected consumer response toward the ad and product. The findings suggest that Koreans appear to engage in biased processing(and not simple cue processing) when exposed to Korean models in advertising messages.

The efficient assessment of need for cognition: K-NfC-S

Need for Cognition(NfC) refers to an individual's tendency to engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities. Research on NfC suggests that this individual differences is useful to predict differences in the manner which people deal with tasks and social information. In this study a short form Korean version of Need for Cognition(K-NfC-S) was developed.
