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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the depth perception cue such as size, position and partially occlusion of stimulus on consumer's visual behavior using eye-tracker for more elaborate measurement and also examine the effect of interaction among each cue. We developed that a screen with three vertical columns which is the most common in 15 Korean famous portal sites as standard included experimental stimulus having four corners. Especially, partial occlusion was treated the number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) of occlusion part that the outlines of a square stimuli are being on the background stimuli. Also, the size of stimulus had range from 50 pixels to 600 pixels with multiplying length of the height by length of the width randomly and the position of stimulus was randomly also with a ratio from 0 to 1, which is height percentage of background. 47 under graduate students who are 13 males and 34 females participated in our experiment, and they were exposed to 150 stimuli in 3 seconds each. Results show that size, position, and partially occlusion of stimuli have impact on consumers’ eye movement as frequency of fixation, duration, and initial fixation time on the target stimulus. More specifically, a stimuli’s size affected frequency of fixation most highly and a stimuli’s position had the most powerful impact on duration, and initial fixation time on the target stimulus. Generally, positive interaction within cues affected more on consumers’ eye movement than cues being alone. Finally, the depth perception cue such as size, position and partially occlusion cue of stimulus is useful to attract consumer's visual attention and it maximizes the effect of depth perception cue when it makes more positive interaction from each cue.
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