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This study was designed in order to determine the amount of influence Korean TV dramas have on Japanese consumer's evaluations of Korea image and Korean products. Gerbner's cultivation theory states that exposure of popular culture through mass media influences a country image. Based on this theory, we examined Korean TV dramas in an effort to determine if they influenced Japanese consumer's attitude of Korea dramas, interest in Korea, Korea image and evaluation of Korean products. We surveyed 1,000 Japanese adults in Tokyo by mail and received 218 responses. The results confirmed that exposure(seeing and hearing) of Korean TV dramas influenced the Korea image and Japanese consumers who have watched Korean TV dramas evaluated Korea and Korean products positively. Specifically, positive attitude of Korean TV dramas mediated between exposure of Korean TV dramas and the Korea image. In addition, the Korea image significantly influenced evaluation of Korean products. In conclusion, we suggest that TV dramas be carefully exported since the shows have such a large influence on viewer's perceptions of Korea.
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