ISSN : 1226-0657
The object of this paper is to extend and generalize the work of Brosowski [Fixpunktsatze in der approximationstheorie. Mathematica Cluj 11 (1969), 195-200], Hicks & Humphries [A note on fixed point theorems. J. Approx. Theory 34 (1982), 221-225], Khan & Khan [An extension of Brosowski-Meinardus theorem on invariant approximation. Approx. Theory Appl. 11 (1995), 1-5] and Singh [An application of a fixed point theorem to approximation theory J. Approx. Theory 25 (1979), 89-90; Application of fixed point theorem in approximation theory. In: Applied nonlinear analysis (pp. 389-394). Academic Press, 1979] in metric spaces having convex structure, and in metric linear spaces having strictly monotone metric.