ISSN : 1226-0657
Let A and B denote a point, a line or a circle, respectively. For a positive constant <TEX>$a$</TEX>, we examine the locus <TEX>$C_{AB}$</TEX>(<TEX>$a$</TEX>) of points P whose distances from A and B are, respectively, in a constant ratio <TEX>$a$</TEX>. As a result, we establish some equivalent conditions for conic sections. As a byproduct, we give an easy way to plot points of conic sections exactly by a compass and a straightedge.
Calculus with analytic geometry.
New characterizations of W-curves.
(2011). A CHARACTERIZATION OF CONIC SECTIONS. Honam Mathematical Journal, 33(3), 335-340. 10.5831/HMJ.2011.33.3.335.
(2007). A characterization of ellipses. Amer. Math. Monthly, 114/1, 65-69.
(0000). Some properties of tangent lines of parabolas. Kyungpook Math. J., .
The enjoyment of mathematics.
Calculus with analytic geometry.
(2008). A CHARACTERIZATION OF PARABOLA. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 45(4), 631-634. 10.4134/BKMS.2008.45.4.631.