ISSN : 1226-0657
In this paper, we study the Lie-generalized Fibonacci sequence and the root system of rank 2 symmetric hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras. We derive several interesting properties of the Lie-Fibonacci sequence and relationship between them. We also give a couple of sufficient conditions for the existence of the integral points on the hyperbola <TEX>$\mathfrak{h}^a:x^2-axy+y^2=1$</TEX> and <TEX>$\mathfrak{h}_k:x^2-axy+y^2=-k$</TEX> (<TEX>$k{\in}\mathbb{Z}_{</TEX><TEX>></TEX><TEX>0}$</TEX>). To list all the integral points on that hyperbola, we find the number of elements of <TEX>${\Omega}_k$</TEX>.
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